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Programação Definitiva






08:00 às 09:00


distribuição de material e abertura

09:00 às 09:30

Cerimônia de abertura com Reitor e Autoridades

09:30 às 09:40


Curso 1
Curso 2

Curso 3
Curso 4

Curso 3
Curso 4

Palestra 13

09:40 às 10:00

Curso 1
Curso 2

10:00 às 11:00



11:20 às 12:00

Coffee Break e Pôster

Coffee Break e Pôster

Coffee Break e Pôster

Coffee Break e Pôster

Coffee Break e Pôster

11:20 às 12:00

Palestra 1

Palestra 3

Palestra 7

Palestra 8



12:00 às 13:00

Palestra 2

Palestra 5

Palestra 6

Palestra 9

Palestra 13

13:00 às 14:30






14:30 às 15:30

15:30 às 16:30

Curso 1
Curso 2

Palestra 13

Curso 1
Curso 2

Curso 3
Curso 4

Curso 3
Curso 4

Coffee Break e Pôster

16:30 às 17:00

Coffee Break e Pôster

Coffee Break e Pôster

Coffee Break e Pôster

Coffee Break e Pôster

Coffee Break e Pôster

17:00 às 17:50

Palestra 4

Palestra 15





Entrega dos prêmios e encerramento

17:50 às 18:30

Palestra 14

Atividade cultural e coquetel de confraternização

Palestra 10




Churrasco por adesão


Palestra 1

Hybrid Simulations combining Molecular Dynamics and Normal Modes: A breakthrough  for the study of large scale functional properties of macromolecules.

David Perahia – ENS/Cachan.


Palestra 2

Normal modes, Molecular Dynamics or both? Lessons from different biomolecular systems 

Maurício Costa - Fiocruz


Palestra 3

Looking at soft-mater interfaces via classical simulations

Tereza Soares - UFPE

Palestra 4

Hybrid Ligand Docking: Combining the Best of Two Worlds

Alessandro Nascimento - IFSC/USP.


Palestra 5

Structure modeling of large protein complexes using MS/crosslinking data as distance restraints

Paulo Ricardo Batista – Fiocruz - RJ


Palestra 6

Efeitos de Solvente em Propriedades Eletrônicas de Moléculas de Interesse Biológico

Kaline Coutinho – USP


Palestra 7

Modelagem com potenciais híbridos QC/MM

Guilherme Menegon Arantes – IQ/USP

Palestra 8

Protein-Ligand Docking: Posing and Binding Affinity Prediction

Laurent Dardenne - LNCC, Petrópolis, RJ


Palestra 9

Modelos Computacionais Simplificados com aplicações para Saúde e Biotecnologia

Ronaldo Junio Oliveira, UFTM, Uberaba - MG

Palestra 10

Mecânica Quântica com Condição Termodinâmica

Sylvio Canuto – IF-USP


Palestra 11

Entropy and QMMM study of protease using Nomal Modes and Molecular Dynamics

Maurício Coutinho Neto - UFABC

Palestra 12

Exploring the quaternary conformations of a myotoxin from Bothrops jararacussu venom using a new computational method based on a molecular dynamics and excited normal modes

Angelo Magro - UNESP - Botucatu


Palestra 13

Pharmacofore design and virtual screening of dihydrofolate reductase of Schistossoma mansoni (SmDHFR)

Gustavo Trossini - USP


Palestra 14

Molecular dynamics of a structure-based model to study the folding of the Apo and Holo forms of the superoxide dismutase

Jorge Chahine – Ibilce - UNESP

Palestra 15

Principles of computational protein engineering

Roberto Lins - Fiocruz - PE


Curso 1

NAMD, Molecular Dynamics and Dynamical Network Analysis

Prof. Emad Tajkhorshid - Computational Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics Group, Department of Biochemistry, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Curso 2

Environment effects in biosimulations: from continuum solvation to multiscale QM/MM models

Carles Eduard Curutchet Barat, Universidade de Barcelona.

Curso 3

ProDy: Learning about Biomolecular Dynamics and Function from Sequence and Structure Data

Ivet Bahar, Distinguished Professor and John K. Vries Chair Department of Computational & Systems Biology

School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh

Curso 4

Multi-scale modelling of biosystems: integrating resolutions from the atomistic detail to the mesoscale

Michele Cascella, Department of Chemistry and Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway

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